Atacama Race is a Rally Raid Championship for motorcycles , cars and SSV in the following modalities:
- Cross Country Rally:
- 400 kms daily
- Navigation with roadmap
- Baja Rally:
- 150 kms daily
- GPS Navigation
National Motorcycle Cross Country Rally Championship
Valid FMC (FIM)
- Rally 1: Pro Drivers.
- Rally 2: Amateur or veteran drivers over 45 years old.
- Rally 3 Marathon: No assistance.
- Quad Rally
- Rally Big Trail
Baja Motorcycle Rally National Championship.
Valid FMC (FIM)
- Baja 1: Pro drivers.
- Baja 2: Amateur or veteran pilots over 45 years old.
- Baja Marathon: No assistance.
- Baja Quad
- Baja Big Trail
Atacama Race Cars / SSV Cross Country Rally Championship
Valid Fadech (FIA)
- T3 Prototype
- T3
- T4
- Experience
Baja Autos/SSV National Rally Championship
Valid Fadech (FIA)
- T3 Prototype
- T3
- T4
- Experience